Monday, May 4, 2020

Monographs The Evaluation Of Carcinogenic â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Monographs The Evaluation Of Carcinogenic? Answer: Introduction Lung cancer has become one common cause of mortality among people. The carcinoma is characterized by uncontrolled growth of tissues in the lungs. In most cases it develops in the epithelium layer of the bronchial tree. Patient medical history Patients admitted to the oncology unit must obtain the nursing history. In this case the client 56 years admitted, is married and has two mature kids. She has the history of working in a textile for 33 years before her retirement. She smoked at a young age, she has a smoking history for years. Mrs. Ava complains of right sided pain from her upper abdomen. She has the symptoms of dry cough which is growing. She has also lost weight in the recent, no appetite, has nausea, passes dark urine and she is fatigued more than usual by day. Upon examination Mrs. Ava is told she has a stage four lung cancer after which she is referred to an oncologist. The oncologist explains that the cancer is much aggressive and that she only has only 3-4 months left to live. It is evident that her children and husband are not ready for the prognosis, IARC (2014). Aims of the poster Enhance Nutrition imbalance risk less body weight due to the effects of therapy done. To inform and educate the family about the lung cancer disease for the family To assist the families in the coping during the treatment of the loved one and also after the eventual death Assist the family in the budgeting and medication of their family member and creating the need for awareness on the costs incurred. In the plan of palliative care for the patient and the family will have to: Stability on her current measure of weight Share the concerns and feelings on effects of the disease on the family Take part in care and reach the appropriate help groups Understand the illness, procedures and treatment, Conclusion As a physician I teach the family to cope, on the effects of the disease, for the eventual death of Mrs. Ava I would give counsel to family to enable them move on with their lives. Cancer is such serious and can be traumatizing to the family. It would also bring about constraint in the financial budgeting in health matters and medication. I would teach ways to reduce nausea caused by chemotherapy and advice consult a dietetic expert to develop a feeding program to maintain a proper body weight Globocan (2008). Information is key on all the possible effects of cancer with the family, encourage the family to have the understanding of lung cancer, have the cancer society contact the family for social psychological support. References IARC (2014). Tobacco smoke. In: IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to 13. Humans, Volume 83, Tobacco smoke and involuntary smoking Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. 51-1187 Globocan 2008 facts about lung cancer mortality rate at Accessed 15.05.12

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